A tale of love & tragedy

Beneath the moon’s soft, silver glow,
Where midnight waters ebb and flow,
Two sirens sang with voices fair,
Suki dark and Kaelyn rare.

Suki, with hair like raven night,
And tail as black as deepest sight,
Her eyes, twin orbs of shadowed hue,
Could pierce a sailor’s soul in two.

Kaelyn, with hair like flames so bright,
A beacon in the silent night,
Her peachy tail did shimmer, gleam,
A living vision from a dream.

They sang a song of love and woe,
A melody both soft and low,
To lure the heart of Captain Bobby,
Who sailed the seas, both wild and free.

With every note, his heart did sway,
He steered his ship from safe bay,
Drawn by voices sweet and clear,
He sailed to where the end was near.

“Come to us,” sang Suki’s call,
“In the depths, you’ll have it all.”
Kaelyn’s voice, like morning fire,
Promised every heart’s desire.

Their song, a spell, wrapped round his mind,
Left reason and his crew behind,
Captain Bobby, lost in trance,
Danced towards his final chance.

He plunged into the ocean’s blue,
To seek the sirens’ promise true,
Suki’s eyes and Kaelyn’s hair,
Pulled him to their ocean lair.

Deeper, deeper, down he went,
His will and soul and life now spent,
In their arms, he found his rest,
A treasure for the sirens’ nest.

The Tempest lost, the crew in dread,
Sailed on, their captain surely dead,
While in the depths, in shadowed keep,
Suki and Kaelyn sang him to sleep.

Forever bound, his heart ensnared,
By siren’s song, so sweetly paired,
Captain Bobby, lost to sea,
A tale of love and tragedy.

In ocean’s depths, their song remains,
Echoing through watery veins,
Of Suki dark and Kaelyn bright,
Two sirens of the endless night.

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